Институт металлургии УрО РАН

 Имет УрО РАН

Контактная информация: 620016, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Амундсена, 101, тел: (343) 267-91-24, факс: 232-91-89, e-mail: imet.uran@gmail.com



Dear colleagues,
THE FINAL PROGRAM OF LAM13 CONFERENCE is available now in section "Program & venue"



Dear colleagues,
Please inform us about your arrival time.
We will try to meet you in the airport "Koltsovo" (Ekaterinburg) and provide your transportation to the hotels. Please look for the person with "LAM-13" transporant.



Dear colleagues,
Registration of participants of the LAM13 Conference will be held:
  • 08.07.2007 since 10.00 fill 17.00 in Grand Avenue and Sverdlovsk hotels;
  • 09.07.2007 since 9.00 a.m. in the Government House of Sverdlovsk region.
We would like to inform you that Welcome Party will be held in Ural State Pedagogical University on July, 8 at 18-00 (address - 26, Cosmonavtov Ave., Metro station: Mashinostroiteley, trolleybus N 3, 5, 17 (from center) stop: Pedagogical Institute)
The map of Ekaterinburg with marked places of hotels, registration point and Conference location can be download here
The weather in Ekaterinburg is promised to be rather hot during the Conference, but nobody knows exactly, see GISMETEO.RU



Dear colleagues,
TENTATIVE PROGRAM OF LAM13 CONFERENCE added in section "Program & venue"


Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform that following your requests we shifted the deadline for ordinary conference fee (350 USD) for participation at the LAM-13 Conference (Ekaterinburg, Russia, 8-14 July, 2007) up to June 1.
Hope to receive your fees in time and to meet you in Ekaterinburg.



Dear colleagues,
We would like to remind that in order to prepare an official invitation letter to LAM-13 Conference we need some information about:
  • your affiliation and position;
  • addresses of your Institution and home;
  • phones (office and private);
  • the copy of your passport (first page with photo);
  • the state and the city where you intend to get your visa.
Could you send all these documents by fax or e-mail as soon as possible, please?
Hope to meet you in Ekaterinburg.


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to inform that following your requests we shifted the deadline for abstracts submission to LAM-13 Conference (Ekaterinburg, Russia, 8-14 July, 2007) up to April, 20.
Hope to receive all your abstracts in time and to meet you in Ekaterinburg.



Dear colleagues,
We would like to remind that in order to prepare an official invitation letter to LAM-13 Conference we need some information about:
  • your affiliation and position;
  • addresses of your Institution and home;
  • phones (office and private);
  • the copy of your passport (first page with photo);
  • the state and the city where you intend to get your visa.
Could you send all these documents by fax or e-mail as soon as possible, please?
Hope to meet you in Ekaterinburg.



Dear colleagues,
We regret to inform you that according to Russian legislation the conference
fee cannot be paid by credit card. We request you to send your payment by bank transfer. Payment of the registration fee should be made to:

Beneficiary: Ural State Pedagogical University
Account of beneficiary: 40503840513000202277
USD - acc. 0104290416 in VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG, Frankfurt am

It is necessary to write in comments: Registration fee of (your name and country) and the last sentence: Without charges for the beneficiary.
Registration and payment should be completed by May 15, 2007. After this date, the increased fee will apply.